AboutKidsHealth is a health education website for children, youth and their caregivers.
The holiday season is a great time for children, but it can also lead to injuries. Discover tips to keep kids safe during the holidays.
Find reliable information about the safety of vaccines to help you make decisions that protect your child from infections.
Learn about the signs and symptoms of COVID-19, who is at greatest risk, how it is spread and diagnosed, and how to prevent its spread.
The holidays can be tough for those who have recently lost loved ones. Learn about common reactions to grief and available supports.
Did you know that hot cocoa can be a source of magnesium? Learn about the best foods to eat to maintain a high magnesium intake through diet.
Find information about buying, installing and maintaining smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in your home to keep your family safe.
Learn about the different types of allergic reactions that infants and children may experience to proteins found in cow's milk.