Find out about living with ITP and the treatment options you can discuss with your child's health care team.
A general overview or idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura or ITP, an acquired blood disorder.
Find information about plasma protein products made from donated blood. Learn about the different products and their uses.
Teens living with hemophilia can find out what happens during a bleed. Learn about the symptoms of a bleed.
Here is an introduction to scoliosis surgery. Links are provided to pages that give information about what will happen before, during, and after surgery.
Informed decision making is an important component of choosing whether to treat scoliosis. Learn about what can happen if scoliosis is not treated.
Find out what happens when a patient enters the operating room to when they are moved into their room. A guide for what to expect during scoliosis surgery.
Learn about how long the average person should sleep, what happens when you sleep and why sleep is important.
Learn what happens during your child's allogeneic stem cell transplant.
Learn what happens during your child's autologous blood and marrow transplant (BMT) procedure.
Learn what happens at follow-up clinic visits after brain tumour treatment for your child has ended.
This page describes how joint inflammation happens and how juvenile idiopathic arthritis can hurt your joints. It also outlines some of the symptoms of arthritis in young people.
Learn what happens during an MRI so your child knows what to expect.
Find out what happens during an electroencephalogram before epilepsy surgery.
An orchidopexy is an operation for undescended testicles. What happens during surgery, and how parents can care for their child at home afterwards.
Find out why arthritis can occur in young people. This page describes how joint inflammation happens, and how juvenile idiopathic arthritis can hurt your joints. It also outlines some of the symptoms of arthritis in young people.
Following scoliosis surgery, some teenagers may need to wear a brace. Learn about how the brace is made, and why and when it is used.
Find out what happens immediately before and after your transplant surgery, how long you will stay in the hospital and how to start taking care of your new kidney as you return to your everyday routine.
Find out what happens at clinic visits during follow-up treatment when your child is back at home after receiving treatment for a brain tumour.
Every patient’s recovery following scoliosis surgery is different. Read about what to expect immediately following an operation for scoliosis.